Monthly Archives: June 2015

Alone but never alone.

Before 11391172_1564241230382167_6637591252085865947_nI became a mother I was told many things about how my life would change but no one ever mentioned how lonely it is. With #1 it wasn’t so bad. I was able to leave her with the hubby and continue out for lunch with friends or not feel guilty about taking her for an hour over to a friends house. After #2 was born most of the friends fell away but I had met other moms so we would meet up once a month and talk to each other online. At least there was some stress relief.
Then I got it into my head to move 1/2 way across the country, get pregnant again and lock myself away in a 930 sq ft apartment with three kids. My husband works in the city in the evenings, stays out with co-workers all night and sleeps all day. We have one car so I am stuck at home after 1pm every day. It’s just me and the kids, and I feel trapped. All the time.
I love them, don’t get me wrong, I adore these little humans that run my life. They are my everything but I feel like I am completely lost and completely alone all of the time.
I am so over run by #2 that I can’t even care for poor #3. I don’t get to talk to anyone anymore unless you consider screaming PUT THAT DOWN! Don’t hit your sister! Don’t eat that! and Get your fingers out of your butt! a million times a day talking to someone.
I’ve tried to make friends, tried joining the PTA, doing the Girl Scout mom thing, meeting neighborhood moms, but no one ever wants to hang out with the single mom who has to cart her three kids everywhere and can only hang out during the day. I can’t run my oldest to sleepovers, pick her up from outings, go to Girls Night Out (the phrase actually confuses me. Moms get to go out with other moms? Friends? What?) or even have time to clean my house so other people want to come over here.
I’ve never been so depressed in my life. It’s true. I’ve been through some shit but complete isolation for over a year now has taken it’s toll on me in different ways.
Please tell me it gets better. Please tell me that somewhere out there are other people who don’t mind my ridiculous army of kids and are willing to actually see me through them.


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June 10, 2015 · 3:29 pm